12 May, 2011
Key Verse:
10 His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. - Ephesians 3:10-11 (NIV)
“Our church challenges mindsets”
As followers of Jesus Christ we need to love what he loves, build what he builds and advance what He advances; by doing so we will build a church that declares God’s wisdom and purpose.
I got chatting to a waiter at a cafe a couple of weeks ago, and when he found out I was a pastor he remarked "you don't look like a pastor". I guess there's a certain mindset out there of what a pastor looks like, and for some reason I didn't fit the bill. I replied to him "yeah there's a few of us like that" and told him about our church. I love that our church challenges mindsets. But the mindsets that need challenging are way bigger than just what a pastor looks like, and way bigger than just our church. THE Church challenges mindsets, and oh what mindsets there are to be challenged.
Ephesians 3:10 tells us that the wisdom of God is being made known TO the angels, THROUGH the Church! In my imaginings it would be the other way around, that God gives the inside scoop to the angels and they all together celebrate as the Church "gets it". But that doesn't seem to be what's happening here, the Church is getting it, living it, breathing it, and then the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms are seeing it!
What specifically is this "it"? Simply that the Gentiles are sharing in the promise of Christ along with the Jews! The outsiders and the insiders are now both insiders! There was a mindset about what being "in" looked like and the Church was setting the record straight!
The reality is there are still mindsets today of what it looks like to be "in" as far as God is concerned. Maybe it's that church is just for 'good' people, people that don't drink, don't smoke, or don't have tattoos, people that have never done drugs, been to jail, or been divorced. Whatever the mindset is around who's "in", it leads to people saying things like "if I went to church the roof would cave in". Their feeling that they couldn't possibly be "in" is so great, they are in fact sure that they are "out". Thank God the Church challenges those mindsets! There is no "what a Christian looks like", because a follower of Christ could be anyONE, everyONE is "in".
Gathered, WE are the Church, and it is in our hands to continue to challenge mindsets that would say it is only a certain "type" of person that is "in" with God. WHO we welcome, and HOW we welcome them, can shout loud to the world and the heavenly realms that all who will may come!
Chrishan Jeyaratnam
What can I change about the way I interact with others as the church gathers, that will better communicate God's heart for everyONE?
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