Hebrews 10:22-25 (The Message)

So let's do it—full of belief, confident that we're presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:22-25 (The Message)

Connect Groups.

Together" in the Bible: Hebrews 10:25 The Christian church is meant to be a community of believers. We are most effective when we're surrounded by fellow believers to correct and encourage us. The apostle Paul here instructs Christians not to neglect the act of meeting up periodically for worship and fellowship. Now we come together as Connect Groups.

What Connect Group(CG) is all about?
Connect groups are groups of friends based on age or location that meet on a regular basis. Together connect groups provide a great foundation to learn more about God and each other on a personal level.

Psalm 1:2-3 (New Living Translation)

Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. Psalm 92:13 (New King James Version)
But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-3 (New Living Translation)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sermon & discussion note - how to deal with Epic failures...

Sat 2 Aug 14 - forum and sermon note ( for discussion )

Dealing Epic Failures...

Note for discussions:-

Romans 8:28(NLT)

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

In Greek " failure " = sin.

Total failures are in sin ...

Mistake and failure ( sin) are difference .

Need to see opportunities in failures ..

Jesus grows in wisdom and statute..Jesus didn't sin does he made mistake

What will be the kind of question we should ask ourself when we think we "fail" ?
Ask God in the position of grace....

Message from Robert Ferguson

Everyone makes mistakes as part of human condition.
Failure never defines you .

Willing to fail and try again and fail better. Failing better..

Every failure  can be learned from .

2 type of Failures:-
Moral failures
Non-moral failures

2 Sam 11:1
David remains in Jerusalem is not a moral failure
He turns into moral failures because of his adultery

Failures has consequences ...

Three principals of failures :-
1. All failures has consequences
2. All failures has irrecoverable features.eg the prodigal was redeemed but he can't get the money back.
3.All failures are redeemable by Christ

Note: retrievable is not the same as redeemable.

How we deal with failures ?
Psalms 51- how David dealt with moral failures ( we can use that principles that he used for both moral and non- moral failures )
5 sections :-
1)face your failures vs 2
2)own your failures .take responsibility of failures vs 3
3)confess your failures vs 4
4) learn from them vs13
5) move on from the. Vs 18

In everything u do, do not let failure defines you !

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sermon note: Pioneer

Sunday 13/7- sermon note

Robert Ferguson

How to keep going for the rest of the year or the rest of your life?

A journey of trust & faith with God

Gal 3:6
- considered Abraham
Vs 9 those who has faith will be blessed along with him

Heb 11:8
God called him to go to unknown place.

In Christianity is not about the destiny but is about the journey.- a commitment to the relationship with God.

Our entire is founded in Pioneering Spirit. Everyone of us tend to want to settle but our life is in a pilgrimage .

He landed in the land of promise but not settle
Gen 12:1
God calls and promise

If you commit a journey of pilgrimage, two things are required in this journey :-

1)Leave & 2)be a blessings

- need movement
- need to leave your comfort & stuck in the familiar
- there is always people in your world will not come with you when u want to grow and lead a radical life.
- sometime we never achieve what God wants us to do because we refuse to leave the people that hold us back
- Abraham left...
- God wants us to pioneer again...find your next steps ...
- it's not easy to leave
- God remind Abraham to leave twice.

- 6 expectations
- remove the Masks... You need to be like Israelite or Joshua

4 advices :-
1) Travel light in Spirit, soul & physical
- don't be so burden with debts, bitterness or unforgiveness.

Abraham did not know where he was going
Heb 11:8

2)trust God
- God wants him to count the stars. He would able to count them. Just for us, we can't count the stars but to trust God.

Heb 11:11
- he did not know how to get there.

Sometimes we can't commit to our personal visions that we can't see God's vision for us.

3)Turn up
- he did not know when but he keep turning up
Heb 11:13
Living their faith within their life time

Keep turning up and it could happen anytime

4)Think Jesus
- keep thinking Jesus

God has promised Abraham to fulfill in the seed ( Jesus)
Heb 11:17
- he didn't question God

Gal 3:16
The promise is in the seed

Heb 12:2
Set our eyes in Jesus.

You can stay home safe & dry but you won't be pioneer again and the next generation may be lost.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Conference notes- unfiltered

Conference 5

Louis Giglio

Eph 6:21-22
Tychicus was mentioned in the Bible in 3 reasons:-

1) choose to volunteer to unseen & unpaid position
He choose to serve Paul in prison

2 Tim 4:9-10
Demas deserted Paul because of his appetite for the world
Col 4:14

faithful servant in The Lord

2) his heart in it
We love the place where God placed us.

3)willing to take the supporting role.
they do what need, what they can and what they ask.
If u focus the size of task, we miss the main thing.

He has ...
1)He has Paul's confident .
Eph 6:22
Paul sent him to Ephesians.

2)He has the blessings of Paul.
He was sent ...not just showing up...
He walks under the blessings

Church do not build on the talents of few but sacrifice of many .

Romans 16:2-...23
Phoebe , Prescilla ....
Paul listed the people who sacrificed.
Vs 26... All for the glory of God.

3) He has the privilege

Simple truth...Faithfully carry what God put in our hands....


Church talk - Pastor Brian

7 important decisions that has generational impact :-

Who u married & stay in marriage.

2 cor 10
Thoughts , imagination, fascination , argument , strong hold
- don't entertain wrong

Stay in who..

Embrace the season

- we situated ourselves
- where we raised our children
- community

- what u do?
- do what u good at...with other us have to do.. Need discipline in life
- do what flows
- stay true to what God wants you to do.

- timing is everything
- get the right people, right place & right time...
- having the sense of timing & keep sowing

- relationship & friends

I cor 15:33
Good people affected by bad company
Bad company corrupts good habits

Psalm 101
2 thess 3:6( NkJV)
U got to decide who is going get on you .

Vs 11 - 15
avoid these people ...gossip, don't obey word, but challenges them.

Hang around people who build you ...your future is too important

- why you do what u do
- keep your motive right
- keep your motivation right
- do what u want to do just to help people
- keep grateful

- what do you wish for ?
- Solomon ask for wisdom.
- wisdom build your house and your life & your future ...

Who is the next generation u raise after u ?

To much is given to much is required.

Principles of Honor


Robert Madu

Gen 1:14(NLTse)
- day & light
- seasons, days & years

Formula is right, the outcome is right

Title : It's in the formula

Ten commandment of communications
- how you begin something matters

- estimated relationship potential

This is the day of conference and the beginning of new you ....

Gen 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven & the earth.

We are called to bring heaven to earth.

God brings order to chaos.

Will power can't fix our problem. It is our will that got us into trouble in the first .

We got to use the first that changed the world. In the beginning it was Word & the Word was with God.

The power is not in the will but the Word of God.

God is the only person to create something out of something. We make but not create.

God does not make but he create !

God has the power out of nothing that you can see.

John 11:

Gen 1:3-5(NLTse )
- day 1: light
Vs 16-19
- day 4: sun, moon & stars only come on 4th day to mark the seasons , days , years vs 14

What shines the earth in btw? The power of the Word of a God

Why God created sun, moon & stars ? to mark the seasons , days , years vs 14
The formula is to trust God, seasons, days & years

Seasons come & go but His Words stands forever.

I am not going to allow season dictate my faith but my faith speaks to my seasons .

Conference notes ...unfiltered just to shareπŸ‘ŒπŸ’‘πŸ’‘Conference day 4

Steven Furtick

Title :Don't stop on 6th

Heb 10:36(NIV)
You need to persevere ....to receive the promise

Persevere is the link ...to finish what

Joshua 6: 1-14
Don't stop on 6th...

Life is not walk thru like watching video game . We going to walk thru to possess our land .

Don't lose your passion .

Vs1 the gate of Jericho was securely barred
Vs2..see God had delivered even before the battle was won. Only God can do that... He speak in past tense in the battle we are fighting.
= what God says is not we are seeing ...

Our perspective can get obstructive by enemy ...

The intensity of the obstacle is the intensity of our victory... The enemy get intimidated by God's promise.

Praise can help you to lift up your perspective to see what God sees...

God is our master motivator !

After 40 days, God spoke to Joshua to stop at the wall & just walking for 7 days....the seven days nothing move physically but he walked by faith.

Will you walking even it doesn't working?

Why God set up this way ?

Sometime we are so consumed for God to enforce but God just want to win the battle within us!!!!

The promise still stand! He will do what He says!
Vs 2...see... Delivered them in your hands
Vs 7 .... Take ark with them .
Vs14....6th is the number of Man, 7th is God's number = perfection.

We can stop short because of our obstructive perspective !


Joshua 5:13
He asked the Man for him or against . He says neither...He came to take over...


Eph 3:20

Think About.... When giving

Multiply or maintain

Obedient or optional

Relationship or reluctance

Entrusted or entitle

There is more with what is there come from...


Carl Lenz

Title: psalm 23

Psalm 23:1( NIV)
The Lord is my shepherd and I lack nothing .
Vs 4 ...walk

The truth is the truth whether u like it or not...

We need a Shepherd !!!

We are sheep...desperately a Shepherd

Psalm 23 reality check-
If Jesus is our Shepherd
1) we are no longer chasing other except the Shepherd, Jesus
John 10:15
- He is. A good shepherd who gives life
2)Sheep don't strive

Don't chase spot light . When you chase the shepherd, He will bring you to spot light and sometime the shadow in the valley. We don't have the control but the Shepherd.

3) security in the Shepherd

Two things good Shepherd will do:-
1)always correct
Heb 12:5-8
He discipline those He loves.
God wants to correct us so we don't get into bigger trouble .
God exalt the humble .
2)always protect
Wherever u go & do
He is our protector .
Shepherd washes sheep to protect them from dirt that may bring diseases.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Trail Blazing for the Generations: Part 1

Psalm 1, Genesis 5:1-18

We have to make decisions. Small decisions we face can be big decisions in disguise. Often, we can make decisions without thinking about future consequences. Our decisions have generational impact. If we are wise, like Jesus, we will make decisions that leave an inheritance and heritage for future generations. As we pioneer the gospel of Jesus, reaching our world with God’s kingdom, we are choosing to blaze a trail for our children and our children’s children.

God spoke to Abraham, the father of our faith, about future generations and blessings that involved his descendants. Abraham chose to live his life in faithful obedience to God, making decisions out of God’s calling and purpose for his life. He could have made choices thinking only of himself, his comfort, and what was easiest for him, but he didn’t. Abraham stayed true to God and what followed were fulfilled promises, blessings and generational impact that led all the way to Jesus. In our lives, we too make decisions that willimpact generations.

We must make decisions with the future in mind. Everyday decisions not only have consequences for our lives, but our household and future generations. We can allow circumstances to guide our decisions, but just because something seems to be the easiest thing to do now, doesn’t mean it is the best thing for our future. Decisions have impact beyond our situations. Godly wisdom does not lead us to make permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.

Godly choices will not be ruled by indecisions, comfort, stability, or impulsivity, but will be found in the purpose of God. Let us never underestimate the impact of our life and decisions on future generations and always believe what God can do in and through our lives. May every person pursue and take hold of godly wisdom to make the everyday life choices that will blaze a trail for future generations to be firmly established in God’s kingdom.


Read: Ephesians 5:15-17, Romans 12:1-2,
Colossians 3:12-17

Q: Think of some of the key figures in the
Bible. Describe and discuss some of
the decisions they made that had
impact on future generations, either
good or bad.

Q: How do you hear from God and
make decisions that are faithful to his
calling and purpose? Share scriptures
that have been helpful to you.

Q: What key ideas about decision
making do the scripture we read out

Q: What does “renewing our mind”
(Rom 12:2) mean? Why is it
necessary? How does it influence
decision making?

Q: What does it take for us today, makes
decisions that reflect Colossians 3:17?
What generational impact can you
see this having in our world?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Original Pioneer

Hebrews 12:1-2
Jesus was the original pioneer. Jesus, the Word of God become flesh, pioneered creation, pioneered human life, overcoming sin and every attack, pioneered death and resurrection life, and pioneered the building of the Church. When we believe in Jesus, he changes our hearts through salvation, changing our eternity, our lives, our families and generations. Jesus, the pioneer of our salvation and faith, begins his pioneering work first in our hearts.

God plants beautiful things in our hearts – secrets, dreams, hopes, longings – and God’s plans for us are much greater than our plans could ever be. God never underperforms, but sometimes our hearts get in the way. The issues of our heart limit our lives. As Jesus is completing his work in and through us, we must be mindful to guard our hearts from things that obstruct his work - such as jealousy, envy, competitiveness, comparison, hurt, bitterness, and unforgiveness. When Jesus, the great surgeon of our heart has his way in us, he reveals the beauty and purpose of God in our lives.

hat Jesus starts in our heart he finishes in our life – his salvation starts in our hearts and affects every part of our lives. Everything begins and ends with Jesus – he is the author, captain, leader, pioneer, perfecter, accomplisher and completer or our faith. We must make room in our hearts for him, allow him to expand our hearts, look after what he puts in our heart that he is trying to pioneer, and believe the seed he plants in our heart will bear incredible fruit in our lives.
Let us allow God to begin and finish what he wants to do in our hearts and through our lives, refusing to give the devil ground, opportunity or footholds in our hearts, and holding tightly to the will and purposes of God in our lives. May we always look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

Use these questions and scriptures to help believers develop a biblical worldview.
Read: Colossians 3:1-17

Q: What does it mean to “set our hearts on things above” (v1)? What reasons does Paul give for why we should do this? (v1-4)?

Q: What things does this passage tell us to “put to death” (v5) and “rid ourselves” (v8)? Why should we?

Q: How do we do actually do this?

Q: This passage talks about our “old self” (v9) and our “new self” (v10). What do you think Paul is talking about?

Q: What does our “new self” look like (v10-11)?

Q: There are new virtues we are instructed to clothe ourselves with (v12-14). What are these virtues?

Q: How do we “clothe ourselves” (v12) with these virtues? How do we “put them on” (v14)?

Q: How is this not just works and striving?

Q: How do we “let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts” (v15)? (Hint: Perhaps the rest of the passage has some clues).

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pioneering Again Part III

Notes for next Bible Study

Acts 1:4-8, Isaiah 43:10, Jeremiah 29:11-13

God thinks on a different scale than we do. While our thoughts and dreams are often limited by our immediate circumstances, God’s plans and thoughts have always been about reaching the ends of the earth. God can do big things with someone who has a heart to serve him and pioneer his gospel, amazingly even us ordinary, broken people.
God’s thoughts for us are good – for peace, for hope, for a future with him and he pours out his Spirit on us for our good. The Holy Spirit does something explosive in our lives. With the Holy Spirit we receive the promises of God and are witnesses to his wonderful works. When we face opposition, we depend on his strength and in the Holy Spirit we experience all that God has in his heart for us.

Through his Spirit, God gives us a new law, new language, and new land. When we operate in the Holy Spirit we are no longer under the law of sin and death, but instead the law of his life. The Holy Spirit unifies us and gives us a new language. As we understand the power of the Holy Spirit, we see the marvelous works of God in our lives, extend the boundaries of the possible, and by depending on him we are empowered to invade the realms of the impossible – reaching the ends of the earth with his gospel.

We live thankful for the promise of our almighty God fulfilled through his Spirit in our lives. May God ignite his wonderful works in our lives, leading us to dream the impossible, taking new territory in Jesus name. Let us be stirred to pioneer again – believing God through the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to do the impossible in our lives as we give him all the glory.

Read: Jeremiah 29:11-13, Psalm 139
Q: How are God’s thoughts different than ours?

Q: What activities and thoughts does God do these verses say he engages in that would be physically impossible for a human?

Q: How does understanding God’s thoughts and heart toward you change what you believe to be possible?

Q: Think of examples of “hurtful” thoughts we may have in our human experience and the corresponding “everlasting” ways of thinking God invites us to have (Psalm 139:23-24).

Q: Identify mindsets, thoughts, language that you are believing God’s Holy Spirit to make new in your life and in our world?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mar 14 Cg bible study note with thoughts - PIONEER AGAIN

Here is the pack and unpack moment with the Word of God

Theme : Pioneer again
Key text. Isaiah 43:19, Acts 1:8, Hebrew 11:1

unpack Isaiah 43(NKJ)-The redeemer of Israel
the theme of this chapter started the with God's choice of Israel being His own and His miraculous deliverance, His faithfulness & undivided love to the children of Israelite. He called them to be His witness (vs 10)..this echoes in NT in Acts 1:8. God declared His promise to pioneer again with miraculous provision but this will not be the same like before. The ultimate declaration of His creation or "pioneering again" is just for Him and His creation to Praise. The whole redemption plan of God is back to the original intention of God. Ref Gen 1 again. Hold this thought ...will get back to this later.

Unpack Acts1:8
The promise of the Holy Spirit to all believers to be His witness and His second return was Jesus last Word before He ascended to heaven.
The word witness by definition refer to evidence and to be presence.
We discussed about the significant of the Holy Spirit in our life not just to give us power but also the seal of salvation for the second coming of Christ for His full redemption plan. The empowered Spirit filed life ultimately help us to be efficient witness for Christ( Read Amplified version for Acts 1:8)

We did not go further on Hebrew 11:1 but recognize that the promises of God do have substance to show just as as witness required evidence. Our faith will eventually produce substance from unseen in physical to seen.

Now, how does "pioneer again" unpack from the above verse to pack to our real life?

Before we answer this, As much as redemption or restoration are back to origin, we proceeded to unpacking Gen 1

The pattern of God creation in the beginning revealed a glimpse of His "Pioneer" again" that may give us a pattern to ponder and consider in embarking the "Pioneer again" in our life.

God created the "Light" then , sky by separating the water, earth, vegetable and animal in order of each day. Each day of His creation was considered good and then He created human kind Adam and Eve on 6th and rest on 7th day. His creativity { Pioneer } was within order and should this be a pattern for us to consider? a tip of wisdom from heaven?

God's patience is indescribable and what more is pioneering each season in our life?

what to unpack here? God's surely creative and hardworking for 6 days and rest only one day. This inspires us to think of this as a farmer describe in 2 Tim 2:1-7

Thinking of farmer, the successful fruits from the land takes farmer patience to fertilise the ground , plant the seed, water and protect the seed diligently for right season for harvest. The farmer has to respect the season do his part consistently and diligently tend the seed and see it grows at its own pace. He cant control the season but he understand the natural progression of the seed.

How does this unpack from this truth and pack back to our real life?

God has planted seeds and dreams in our life. We are the steward of the seeds and dreams. God is going to pioneer again in our life. What space we have given him to pioneer again in our life? Are we still looking at past miraculous to repeat the same way or are we continue to seed of faith of us to grow to fulfill the promise.

Fulfillment of God promises take time and all in God's timing? We need to respect the season God set for us. Every season is our witness to him as we remain presence with Him.

Our life is a powerful witness for Christ as we continue to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
Any good relationship grows with presence with each other and this is mirrored in our presence with Him from empowered and Spirited filled life.

What practically we can do?
Back to basic 101

Talk to Him daily in a personal way.

Personal challenge to all, do try to tell Him every morning you love Him or if you dont feel like it just ask him to teach you to know and love Him in consistent 7days.....you will pioneer again in a new Holy an Wholesome another level in enjoying your journey of discovery about your true identify, God and life all together.

He loves you passionately regards you love Him or not....a seed of faith you can pioneer again

Each of us pioneer our life uniquely ...no rivals but equally accepted & loved by God...

To end this session ...there is no perfect answer to all but worth go deeper in His truth in person and as a lifestyle

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pioneer Again Part II

Isaiah 43:19, Acts 1:8, Hebrews 11:1
Our church sets out to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ for generations to come. We will
always seek to be a church that lives with a pioneer spirit, thankful and open to the big things
God has for us.
God uses ordinary people to outwork his extraordinary purpose. When we open ourselves to
God’s purpose and advance his gospel into the different spheres of life we see territory
previously considered uninhabitable flourish. With a pioneering spirit we will reach the
unreachable and include the excluded. As in the book of Acts, pioneering the gospel can be
music to the ears of those who are lost and uninitiated but clashing brass to the establishment.
Despite opposition, like the apostles, and faithful believers before us, we step out in faith into the
new things God is doing. A pioneering spirit centred on Christ will give us a supernatural ability
to beat the odds and bring longevity, stretching boundaries and extending horizons; reinventing
the parameters of the possible and violating the laws of the impossible.
With pioneering hearts we hold to the faith that paves the way for others to come to know Jesus,
faith that is “the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.” Let us then
put our whole lives into what God is doing, not taking the easy road, but putting the will of God
first in our lives to see fruit in our generation and generations to come through the advancement
of his kingdom on earth.

BIBLE AND BELIEF Use these questions and
scriptures to help believers develop a biblical

Read: Isaiah 43:19, Acts 1:8
Q: What extraordinary things does God
promise in Isaiah 43:19 and Acts 1:8?

Q: What did it mean for the apostles to
be a ‘witness’? What does being a
‘witness’ mean for us today?

Q: What ‘new things’ did God do
through Jesus in the Gospels, and
through the apostles in Acts? What
can we learn from their experience?

Q: The Church was a “new thing” in the
New Testament. What “territory” was
taken by planting churches in Acts?

Q: What kind of things will it take for Acts
1:8 to be fulfilled? Where do we need
to pioneer the gospel today to see
this become a reality? How are we
doing that as a church?

CONNECTION AND ACTION Use these questions to promote conversation and connection.
ICEBREAKER: Share the most surprised you have been and how you reacted.
Q: Who is the most “extraordinary” person you have met? What makes them extraordinary?
Q: What does it take for God to do extra-ordinary things through ordinary people?
Q: What ordinary areas in your life would you like to open up to God to do something new?
Q: Pioneers make uninhabited land habitable. We recently celebrated 30 years as Hillsong
Church. During that time, what “uninhabited land” has been made “habitable” for
Q: What does your pioneering faith gain from being part of a pioneering church, with
pioneering leaders?
Q: In your family, circle or world, what “uninhabited land” could you pioneer that would
allow those who come after you to live freely?
Q: In what ways have you been stirred to step out in faith this year?

Friday, March 7, 2014

CG - envision in 2014

-Transparency & safe place to share personal struggles without being judged
- Focus on Prayer
- Focus on serious Bible studies without much side tracks... WH allows all to time out if talk too much -More time to rest & with God
- stir up talents ... Many
- encouraging in positive speech
- be each other keeper

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

CG arrangement Mar 14

Week 1(coming month 3/3)1st forthnight -VJ's place( next one on 3/3) VJ will co-ordinate with topical or book bible study or prayer ) book studies with 3 persons to host .

week 2(12/3) break for all

Week3- Hillsong Bible Study ( this month 19/3) 2nd fortnight at VJ's place- bible study(lead by Wan Hei)

Week 4(Prayer week ) Prayer start sharp at 8pm( No food provided)